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The Luna Node Dynamic API enables you to write software to automate VM management. This page details how the API can be accessed. Visit the API tab to manage your API keys.


Each API token consists of an API ID and an API key. Both are needed for authentication of all API commands.

API actions consist of a category label, action label, and a set of parameters. For example, to start a VM, the category label is "vm", action label is "start", and a "vm_id" parameter must be set. See the full API action list.

API requests are made over HTTPS. Once the server completes processing of your request, it will return a JSON-encoded response.


We provide open source (under CC0 1.0) PHP and Python libraries for accessing the Luna Node Dynamic API. These libraries make interaction with the API easier, handling transaction from category, action, and parameters to the HTTPS request, and from the JSON-encoded response to a PHP associative array or Python dictionary. Download the libraries here.


List your virtual machines:

$api_id = 'YOUR API ID';
$api_key = 'YOUR API KEY';
$api = new LNDynamic($api_id, $api_key);
print_r($api->request('vm', 'list'));
from lndynamic import LNDynamic
api_id = 'YOUR API ID'
api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'
api = LNDynamic(api_id, api_key)
print api.request('vm', 'list')

Action list

Virtual machine

Category Action Required parameters Optional parameters
vm start vm_id None
vm stop vm_id None
vm reboot vm_id None
vm info vm_id None
vm delete vm_id None
vm setpassword vm_id, password None
vm reimage vm_id, image_id None
vm resize vm_id, plan_id None
vm rescue vm_id None
vm vnc vm_id None
vm floatingip-add vm_id ip (string unattached floating IP address on your account)
vm floatingip-delete vm_id keep ('yes' to keep floating IP on account; default 'no')
vm create hostname, plan_id, image_id prefer ('distinct' or 'same'), region (default 'toronto'), ip (a floating IP on your account)
vm list None None


API calls relating to DNS are listed below. Valid DNS record types are 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'HINFO', 'MX', 'NAPTR', 'NS', 'PTR', 'RP', 'SRV', and 'TXT'.

Category Action Required parameters Optional parameters
dns list None None
dns set vm_id, ip, hostname None
dns zone-list None None
dns zone-add origin (e.g., 'example.tld.') ttl
dns zone-remove zone_id None
dns record-list zone_id None
dns record-add zone_id, name (e.g., 'www'), data (e.g., ''), ttl, type None
dns record-remove record_id None
dns dyn-list None None
dns dyn-add name, ip None
dns dyn-update dyn_id, name, ip None
dns dyn-remove dyn_id None


Category Action Required parameters Optional parameters
image list None region (default 'toronto')
image delete image_id
image create vm_id, name None

Plan and region

Category Action Required parameters Optional parameters
plan list None None
region list None None

Server monitoring

Category Action Required parameters Optional parameters
monitor check-list None None
monitor check-types None None
monitor check-add name, type, fail_count, success_count, check_interval, (also any parameters needed from check-types) None
monitor check-remove check_id None
monitor contact-list None None
monitor contact-add None None
monitor contact-remove type ('email', 'sms_twilio', or 'http'), rel (e-mail address, phone number, or URL) None
monitor alert-list check_id None
monitor alert-add check_id, contact_id None
monitor alert-remove alert_id None